How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is a therapy that uses very thin needles which are gently inserted into the skin. It serves the function of alleviating pain and treating a wide variety of physical and emotional conditions. The fundamental principle is that acupuncture helps your body activate it's own healing potential. Current scientific explanations for how acupuncture works include activating dopamine responses, balancing biochemical and neurological responses and increasing blood flow. Additionally, acupuncture can free restrictions in the fascia and muscles to alleviate pain and improve function.
The body is capable of healing itself, be it a broken bone, strained muscle, or even deeper problems with the various organs or neurological systems. When the body is not functioning as well as it should, it may not heal very quickly or as effectively, and sometimes it is so depleted, it cannot heal at all. Acupuncture can help by boosting the body's own healing capacity so that you become more capable of recovery. Simply put, acupuncture aids the body’s natural recuperative capabilities.
Acupuncture treats the root cause of a disease so that the body can heal from the inside out instead of masking symptoms or relying on other approaches which may have side effects. Acupuncture works by activating your body's own healing potential
This medical system has a long rich history and dates back at least 5000 years. Modern practitioners have been trained in techniques from various regions or direct family lines. As the medicine continues to adapt to biomedical definitions we understand that traditional "Ashi acupuncture points" can be understood as trigger points, motor points or knots in the muscle. While it is an ancient healing art it has a deep understanding of the physiology and anatomy of the body, it is useful for modern ailments and can be used both preventatively and with other wellness approaches.
The body is capable of healing itself, be it a broken bone, strained muscle, or even deeper problems with the various organs or neurological systems. When the body is not functioning as well as it should, it may not heal very quickly or as effectively, and sometimes it is so depleted, it cannot heal at all. Acupuncture can help by boosting the body's own healing capacity so that you become more capable of recovery. Simply put, acupuncture aids the body’s natural recuperative capabilities.
Acupuncture treats the root cause of a disease so that the body can heal from the inside out instead of masking symptoms or relying on other approaches which may have side effects. Acupuncture works by activating your body's own healing potential
This medical system has a long rich history and dates back at least 5000 years. Modern practitioners have been trained in techniques from various regions or direct family lines. As the medicine continues to adapt to biomedical definitions we understand that traditional "Ashi acupuncture points" can be understood as trigger points, motor points or knots in the muscle. While it is an ancient healing art it has a deep understanding of the physiology and anatomy of the body, it is useful for modern ailments and can be used both preventatively and with other wellness approaches.
Does it Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are so thin that you could fit multiple acupuncture needles inside the hole of needle that is used to give shots. Christina's needling technique is gentle and patients often feel very little. It is desirable to experience a feeling known as a "Qi" sensation. Qi can be felt in many ways such as a deep pulling, heaviness, itching, electricity, vibrating, aching and tickling. Sensations are indicators that the acupuncture points have been activated. Everyone experiences sensation differently and Christina will work closely with you to ensure that your experience is positive.
How Many Visits Will I Need?
On average, most people begin to see a difference after a few treatments, although a consultation will provide a better idea of how many treatments you may need. A course of treatments ranges from 6-12 visits at 1-2 times per week. Some conditions improve after one course, and others may benefit from more. Our goal is to help your body regain equilibrium as quickly as possible. Consistency and adhering to your treatment plan will bring you the greatest outcome.
Will Insurance Pay for Acupuncture?
Many insurance plans cover acupuncture and Crawford Acupuncture is happy to bill your insurance for you!
Please refer to the Insurance page for a list of insurance companies that Theresa Christina is in-network with.
If your insurance does not cover acupuncture, time of service rates can vary depending on the length of treatment and services provided. Please call for pricing. Payment is due at time of service.
Please refer to the Insurance page for a list of insurance companies that Theresa Christina is in-network with.
If your insurance does not cover acupuncture, time of service rates can vary depending on the length of treatment and services provided. Please call for pricing. Payment is due at time of service.
How Should I Prepare for My Visit?
Please be sure to eat the day of your visit. The first visit is typically one and a half hours and follow up visits are approximately forty-five minutes to one hour. During your intake Christina will review your medical history and your reason for seeking treatment. Examining your pulse and tongue are important diagnostic techniques in determining the best treatment plan for you.
After your intake you will lie down on the table. Please wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. If access to other areas of your body is necessary, a sheet or gown will be provided. You will be appropriately covered at all times.
The treatment is highly customized for you and your specific health concern. Each time you receive a treatment, the points may or may not vary. We use high quality needles which are single use, disposable and sterilized.
Needles are typically retained for 20-25 minutes while you rest comfortably. Please turn off your cell phone for the duration of your time in the office. Most people find acupuncture to be very relaxing.
Depending on your reason for coming in, your treatment may include the following techniques:
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a therapy that uses very thin needles which are gently inserted into the skin. It serves the function of alleviating pain and treating a wide variety of physical and emotional conditions.
E-Stim: Utilizing a micro electric current through the acupuncture needles, this comfortable technique is used to balance the bioelectricity of the body's tissues to relieve pain and restore function.
Cupping: This technique uses glass cups on the skin to stretch the fascia, move blood, mobilize fluids and relieve tension in muscles.
Additional Therapies: Guasha involves the use of a smooth tool which is scraped across the skin to break apart myofascial adhesions, increase local blood flow and promote healing. Tuina is therapeutic body work which is used to relieve pain and increase mobility specific to the injury being addressed.
Herbal Medicine: Formulas created from earth based substances are tailored to the patients unique constitution. Herbal medicine is beneficial in treating the root of the illness to facilitate relief or full recovery.
Moxibustion: Home instruction only. Careful burning of the herb AiYe above specific acupuncture points to warm, increase circulation and relieve pain.
Qi Gong: Coordinating slow flowing movement and breathing exercises, qigong is intended to increase energy while restoring balance and health.
Dietary Therapy: In accordance with acupuncture theory, we will help create a specific guideline based on your constitutional pattern.
Lifestyle Education: Management of stress, self care, sleep and other specifics related to your chief complaint.
After your intake you will lie down on the table. Please wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. If access to other areas of your body is necessary, a sheet or gown will be provided. You will be appropriately covered at all times.
The treatment is highly customized for you and your specific health concern. Each time you receive a treatment, the points may or may not vary. We use high quality needles which are single use, disposable and sterilized.
Needles are typically retained for 20-25 minutes while you rest comfortably. Please turn off your cell phone for the duration of your time in the office. Most people find acupuncture to be very relaxing.
Depending on your reason for coming in, your treatment may include the following techniques:
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a therapy that uses very thin needles which are gently inserted into the skin. It serves the function of alleviating pain and treating a wide variety of physical and emotional conditions.
E-Stim: Utilizing a micro electric current through the acupuncture needles, this comfortable technique is used to balance the bioelectricity of the body's tissues to relieve pain and restore function.
Cupping: This technique uses glass cups on the skin to stretch the fascia, move blood, mobilize fluids and relieve tension in muscles.
Additional Therapies: Guasha involves the use of a smooth tool which is scraped across the skin to break apart myofascial adhesions, increase local blood flow and promote healing. Tuina is therapeutic body work which is used to relieve pain and increase mobility specific to the injury being addressed.
Herbal Medicine: Formulas created from earth based substances are tailored to the patients unique constitution. Herbal medicine is beneficial in treating the root of the illness to facilitate relief or full recovery.
Moxibustion: Home instruction only. Careful burning of the herb AiYe above specific acupuncture points to warm, increase circulation and relieve pain.
Qi Gong: Coordinating slow flowing movement and breathing exercises, qigong is intended to increase energy while restoring balance and health.
Dietary Therapy: In accordance with acupuncture theory, we will help create a specific guideline based on your constitutional pattern.
Lifestyle Education: Management of stress, self care, sleep and other specifics related to your chief complaint.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Master of Science in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine education involves more than 3000 credit hours, 3 years of clinical experience and national certification by the NCCAOM. This education emphasizes safe needle insertion and extensive anatomy and physiology training. Christina is certified in clean needle technique and uses only single use, sterilized, medical grade needles. Acupuncture is a chemical free, safe and effective approach to resolving many health concerns.
Cancellation Policy
- 24 hour notice is required.
- A $50 late cancellation fee will be charged for all non-illness or emergent related appointments cancelled with less than 24 hour notice.
- Failure to complete the new patient papers 24 hours prior to your appointment in conjunction with failure to confirm the appointment via text, will result in the the appointment being cancelled by our office and you will be invoiced $50.
Illness Policy
I. Please review and understand our illness policies
II. Clinic Preparations
Steps taken to prepare our clinic for your visit:
- If you have any symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, or feel ill in any way, please reschedule
- If you test positive for COVID-19, you must have a negative test or 5 days since your last symptom before you can reschedule
- If you still have symptoms but have a negative test result, you must wait to reschedule.
- If you have been in contact with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test please reschedule
- You may reschedule after receiving a negative test result or if 3 days have passed since contact and you have not developed any symptoms
- Please arrive on time, not early
- Masks are optional
II. Clinic Preparations
Steps taken to prepare our clinic for your visit:
- Hand sanitizer is accessible to patients
- Staff and provider engage in proper hand washing and sanitizing consistently
- You may request that the provider wear a mask during your treatment
- All surfaces and door handles are disinfected regularly
- Treatment room contains 2 HEPA grade filtration systems
- All linens are washed and face cradles are disinfected after every patient
Published Work
External Resources
Acupuncture works by activating your body's own healing potential
Web Accessibility
At, we are committed to accessibility. It is our policy to ensure that everyone, including persons with disabilities, has full and equal access to our digital offerings. We welcome your feedback on your experience with Email us at [email protected] with any questions or comments you have. strives to conform to the following accessibility standards: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA, PDF/Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA). is compatible with most major Internet browsers including Chrome, FireFox, and Safari. may not perform optimally on older browser versions. has appointed a Web Accessibility Coordinator to help meet the objectives in this policy. Through genuine effort and commitment, we believe adheres to best practices for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). For more information on web accessibility and legal requirements, here are helpful resources:,,,
Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing as we implement the relevant improvements to meet the guidelines. If you would like to request any information in accessible or alternative formats, or report any accessibility issues, please email us at [email protected]
Helpful Ideas for Accessibility Zoom in your screen
Screen readers are text-to-speech software that allow people to read and interact with content in different ways. Many people who cannot perceive what is on the screen will use them to allow audible access to web content.
Your smart phone iOS and Android alike provide many tools including: strives to conform to the following accessibility standards: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA, PDF/Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA). is compatible with most major Internet browsers including Chrome, FireFox, and Safari. may not perform optimally on older browser versions. has appointed a Web Accessibility Coordinator to help meet the objectives in this policy. Through genuine effort and commitment, we believe adheres to best practices for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). For more information on web accessibility and legal requirements, here are helpful resources:,,,
Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing as we implement the relevant improvements to meet the guidelines. If you would like to request any information in accessible or alternative formats, or report any accessibility issues, please email us at [email protected]
Helpful Ideas for Accessibility Zoom in your screen
- On Windows, press the Windows key and plus sign (+) at the same time to zoom in. You can also use the “Magnifier” application under “Accessories.”
- On Mac, go to “System Preferences,” open “Universal Access” and select the “Seeing” tab. Check the box under “Zoom” to “On.”
- On your Apple device, tap “Settings,” then “General,” then “Accessibility.” Tap the “Zoom” button and toggle it “On.”
- In Internet Explorer, go to “Tools”, then “Internet Options”, on to “General”. From here, select “Colors, Fonts, or Accessibility”.
- In Mozilla Firefox, choose “Options”, then “Content”, then finally “Fonts & Colors”.
- In Safari, select “Preferences”, “Appearance” tab, and then hit the “Select…” button next to the font fields.
- In Chrome, go to “Preferences”, activate the “Show advanced settings” link, go to the “Web content” heading and change the “Font size”, “Customize fonts” in other ways, or set default “Page zoom”.
Screen readers are text-to-speech software that allow people to read and interact with content in different ways. Many people who cannot perceive what is on the screen will use them to allow audible access to web content.
- To download NVDA, visit the NV Access website.
- To download JAWS, visit the Freedom Scientific website. JAWS will also accept Braille input.
Your smart phone iOS and Android alike provide many tools including:
- VoiceOver for iOS and TalkBack for Android are the screen readers that come built-in.
- To turn on VoiceOver, go to “Settings”, then “General”, to “Accessibility”, and then turn “VoiceOver” on.
- You can set the “Accessibility Shortcut” to “VoiceOver” from the “Accessibility” page in order to triple-click the “Home” button to toggle VoiceOver on and off. TalkBack has a similar feature.
- “Zoom”, “Magnifier”, “Invert Colors”, “Color Filters”, and “Reduce White Point” are other features and tools on iOS that you can use. These are also available through the “Accessibility Shortcut”.